वेदोऽखिलो धर्ममूलम् - अर्थात् वेद ही विश्व के अखिल धर्म का आदि मूल हैं! प्रत्येक हिन्दू ग्रंथ वेद को ही अपना आधार घोषित करता है। वेद केवल मात्र हिन्दू के...
उपनिषद् भाष्य परिचय: उपनिषद् वाङ्मय सनातन वैदिक संस्कृति के स्तम्भ हैं। प्रत्येक पंथ, सम्प्रदाय, विचारधारा ने उपनिषदों की भूरि भूरि प्रशंसा की है। विदेशी विद्वानों ने भी उपनिषदों को विद्वता...
वाल्मीकीय रामायण का यह आर्यभाषा (हिंदी) संस्करण विशेष है। रामायण के उपलब्ध पाठभेदों में से शोध करके एवं प्रक्षेपों को दूर करके वह संस्करण बनाया गया है जो तार्किक हो,...
भाग १: वैदिक तथा आर्ष पर्व यह पुस्तक प्राचीन भारतीय इतिहास, संस्कृति और परंपराओं के समृद्ध ताने-बाने में गहराई से उतरती है। इसमें शिक्षा प्रणाली, शासन, वर्णाश्रम धर्म, और वैदिक...
Discover Hinduism is a collection of 12 best books on Hinduism. A must have collection for those who really want to understand essence of Vedic Dharma. Following books are part of this...
Islamist Invasion is a compelling collection of books that meticulously dissect various facets of extremist ideology and the historical context surrounding invasion by fanatical elements within Islam. Through a fast-paced...
Discover Hinduism is the collection of books offered by RITVIJAM delves deep into the essence of Hinduism, elucidating its true teachings and philosophical underpinnings. Recognizing the importance of understanding authentic Hinduism...
All About Vedas: A must have collection for those who really want to understand essence of Vedic Dharma. Following books are part of this bundle. Eternal Religion of Humanity : Book gives...
In the Defence of Hinduism: A must have collection for those who really want to answer the allegations made on Hindu Dharma. Following books are part of this bundle. Attacks on...
इस संकलन में अग्निवीर की 6 हिन्दी भाषा की पुस्तकें हैं | देश और धर्म संबंधी आवश्यक मुद्दों और उनके उपायों को प्रस्तुत करतीं ये पुस्तकें हर भारतीय और हिन्दू...
Collection of 6 Gujarati books on Vedas, Hinduism and self help. A must have collection for those who really want to understand essence of Vedic Dharma. Following books are part of...
This collection is made up of 3 books, each containing the collection of 101 Agniveer quotes. These quotes are not just written but also felt and lived by Agniveers. Quotes...
स्वातन्त्र्य वीर सावरकर कौन हैं? वह देशभक्तों में राज- कुमार, विद्वानों में महारथी, राजनीति में बर्क, क्रान्तिकारियों में शिरोमणि, सुधारकों में अग्रगण्य और हँसमुख योद्धा हैं, जिन्होंने कभी असफलता देखी...
Manusmriti : Is it oldest surviving constitution for humans or a patriarchal Brahmanical tool to subjugate Dalits and women? Does Manusmriti have Hatred for Dalits? Hatred for women? Bias for...
Commentary by Swami Jagdishwaranand Saraswati, in the world of classic literature the Mahabharat is unique in many respects, animating the heart of India over two thousand years past and destined...
आचार्य राम शास्त्री जी द्वारा लिखित संस्कृत शिक्षण सरणी लेखक का अदभतु ग्रन्थ है। उनके अनुसार ग्रन्थ का प्रयोजन संस्कृत-भाषा का व्यावहारिक शिक्षण है। इस दृष्टि से इस ग्रन्थ में...
This book has collection of 365 Vedic mantras from four Vedas with simple English explanation. PRODUCT FEATURES Publisher: Hitkari Prakashan Samiti Author: Krishan Chopra Language: Sanskrit - English Cover: Hardcover...
A comprehensive guidebook on Hijab myths and realities. Is Hijab a symbol of resistance against so-called majoritarianism or a step towards Talibanisation? Is it assertion of religious identity or subjugation...
Liberal's FlawsDon’t burn crackers on Diwali. It damages eardrums of helpless innocent animals.Beef-eating is my right. You can’t decide what I have in my plate – cow or buffalo or...
Yoga is the perhaps the most glamorous word in Hindu lexicon. It’s the in-thing. Be it USA or India; Yoga is cool everywhere. We even have a Yoga Day now....
A fiction based on true stories of interfaith targeting of innocent women by scheming criminals, written by a victim. Note: PLEASE READ this Disclaimer for all Agniveer books on this store...
DID YOU KNOW THAT Babur was a drunkard! He loved a boy named Babri! Akbar had Harem of 5000 women! Jahangir blinded his son with his own hands! Shah Jahan...
This book is different from other books written on Yoga or self-help. It summarizes the principles of Yoga in contemporary language removing all complex terms and concepts. This is the...
भारत के भूले बिसरे इतिहास से ली गईं छोटी-छोटी कहानियों का ये संग्रह रीढ़ की हड्डी में कंपकपी उत्पन्न कर देगा। भारत के भूले बिसरे इतिहास से ली गईं छोटी-छोटी...
Art of Resume making presents quick tips and hacks to create a resume that none can resist noticing. A resume that guarantees maximal chance to get that job by establishing...
Islamism was forced on Indians by swords of invaders. For centuries, crores were killed, raped and converted in name of religion. Thousands of temples and millions of idols were ruined....
our zeal to find that breakthrough health solution through this lotion and that pill, we are forgetting the fundamentals that represent almost all we need. My hypothesis is that unless...
This is a collection of short cinematic stories from forgotten history of India, that would send chills down the spine.An Indian kid learns dangerously strange things in name of history...
Decoding Islam This book analyzes the core pillars of radical Islamism on touchstone of reason.Is it fastest growing?Is Holy Book unchangeable?Is it most practical religion?Is there only One God in...
During my IIT days, I had an encounter with an Islamist student (my own hostel-mate) who argued with me on Zakir Naik. He supported latter’s stand on killing apostates and...
Islam means ‘peace’ but Islamic State is the most violent terrorist organisation in the world.Jihad means ‘struggle for peace’ but Harkat ul Jihad is among the most dangerous terrorist organisations...
बचपन में जिसके ‘अमृत’ से मुझे जीवन मिला, वह ‘माँ’ कहलाई और जिसके ‘अमृत’ ने मुझे जीवन भर सींचा, उसके गले पर छुरी चलाई! लोगों ने उसे मार दिया। नैतिकता...
આ પુસ્તક અગ્નિવીરના ૧૦૧ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનોનો બીજો ભાગ છે. અગ્નિવીરે આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો માત્ર લખ્યાં જ નથી, પણ પોતે અનુભવેલા છે અને પોતાના જીવનમાં આત્મસાત કરેલા છે. આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો...
This book is the second book of a collection of 101 Agniveer quotes. These quotes are not just written but also felt and lived by Agniveers. Quotes are short enough...
Are you frustrated with life without a purpose? Want to make your stay worthwhile in this universe, but don’t know how? Want to live life with peerless state of joy...
આ પુસ્તક અગ્નિવીરના ૧૦૧ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનોનો ત્રીજો ભાગ છે. અગ્નિવીરે આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો માત્રા લખ્યાં જ નથી, પણ પોતે અનુભવેલા છે અને પોતાના જીવનમાં આત્મસાત કરેલા છે. આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો...
આ પુસ્તક અગ્નિવીરના ૧૦૧ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનોનો પહેલો ભાગ છે. અગ્નિવીરે આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો માત્ર લખ્યાં જ નથી, પણ પોતે અનુભવેલા છે અને પોતાના જીવનમાં આત્મસાત કરેલા છે. આ પ્રેરણાત્મક વચનો...
This book is the third book of a collection of 101 Agniveer quotes. These quotes are not just written but also felt and lived by Agniveers. Quotes are short enough...
This is the first book of a collection of 101 Agniveer quotes. These quotes are not just written but also felt and lived by Agniveers. Quotes are short enough to...
For first time, complete refutation of every point a radical Islamist thinks to justify his hate against non-believers. The only book of its kind to address the problem of brainwashing...
A radical Islamism is propagated based on two flawed theories. One, that every Muslim is an Arab//Central Asian/Afghan who conquered India and ruled it for a thousand years. Two, he...
‘વેદ વિષે આટલું જરૂરથી જાણો!’ પુસ્તકમાં માનવતાની સૌથી અનમોલ ધરોહર “વેદ” વિષેનાં કેટલાંક સત્ય વચનો પ્રસ્તુત કરવામાં આવ્યાં છે. પુસ્તકમાં દરેક સત્ય વચનનું સંક્ષિપમાં વર્ણન અને સ્પષ્ટીકરણ કરવામાં આવ્યું છે....
जीवन की सर्जक, राष्ट्र की मार्गदर्शक, समाज का विकास करनेवाली और परिवार को सँभालनेवाली, इन सब के अनूठे मेल की प्रतिमा है – नारी! आपने आधुनिकता और स्वतंत्रता के नाम...