Body – The Foremost Medium Wall Art, Sanskrit Art Print, Yoga & Health Art, Patanjali, Yoga Studio Decor, Sanskrit Mantra, Sanskrit PosterAs per Yog Sutra your Body is the Foremost...
Meaning of Brahma, Brahma Wall Art, Sanskrit Art Print, Meaning of Brahma, Sanskrit Teacher Gift, Sanskrit Student Gift, Sanskrit PosterBrahma - The ultimate creatorWHY THIS PRODUCT:Sanskrit is not only the...
Meaning of Buddha, Buddha Wall Art, Sanskrit Art Print, Yoga Poster, Gift for Buddhist, Yoga Studio Art, Meditating Buddha, Sanskrit PosterBuddha - Lets we all be Buddha, "The wisest one"WHY...
Characteristics of God, Sanskrit Wall Art, Sanskrit Teacher Gift, Yoga Practitioner Gift, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Sanskrit PosterKnow few Characteristics of Infinite GodWHY THIS PRODUCT:Sanskrit is not only the oldest language...
Characteristics of Soul, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Sanjeev Newar® | Rolled Poster explains Characteristics of soul from Nyaya Sutra. Poster is an easy and affordable way to personalize your...
Dharma - Your True Friend, Inspiring Sanskrit Verse, Sanskrit Teacher Gift, Manu Smriti, Sanskrit Wall Art, Sanskrit Quote, Sanskrit PosterDharma - Your true friend which stays with you even after...
Duty must be Performed, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Shivaji Maharaj, Shivaji Wall Art, Sanjeev Newar® | Rolled Poster explains as per Dharma how you should perform your duty....
Earth Around The Sun, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Rigveda Mantra, Vedic Science, Vedic Astronomy, Sanjeev Newar® | Rolled Earth around the sun Poster explains the rotation of earth...
Health – The Prerequisite, Ayurveda Wall Art, Sanskrit Wall Art, Sanskrit Teacher Gift, Sanskrit Student Gift, Inspiring Sanskrit QuoteHealth – The Prerequisite for attaining wealth and blissDharmathkaamamokshana aarogya mul uttam(Charak...
Importance of Knowledge, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Upanishads, Sanjeev Newar® | Rolled Poster explains Importance of knowledge from Isha Upanishad. Poster is an easy and affordable way to personalize...
Ishopanishand Mantra 1, Detachment - The Essence of Life, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Sanskrit Mantra, Sanskrit PosterIshopanishand Mantra 1 - The world does not belong to youisa vasyamidam...
Ishopanishand Mantra 2, Right Actions - Only way to Bliss, Sanskrit Wall Art, Inspiring Sanskrit Quote, Sanskrit Mantra, Sanskrit PosterRight Actions - Only way to Bliss and successkurvanneveha karmani jijivisecchatam...
Mother The supreme Dev, Gift for Mother, Sanskrit Wall Art, Mother's Day Gift, Inspiring Sanskrit Verse, Sanskrit Shloka, Sanskrit PosterMother - The Supreme Dev - Wall art singing the glory...
Mother - The ultimate Guru, Gift for Mother, Sanskrit Wall Art, Mother's Day Gift, Inspiring Sanskrit Verse, Sanskrit Shloka, Sanskrit PosterMother - The ultimate Guru - Wall art singing the...