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This carefully custom-made product is part of KRITINOVA's ambitious project - Reviving Sanskrit. This pack of 4 posters is the collection of most beautiful and powerful Vedic Mantras. Pack has following 4 Mantras with their meaning.
-Respect Women
-Mother – The Supreme Dev
-Woman – The Goddess of Fortune
-Mother – The Ultimate Guru
Why this Product?
Sanskrit is not only the oldest language and mother of most languages, but also the language of wisdom. Sanskrit is the prana of Bharat - the source of culture and wisdom for all native faiths. Sanskrit and the vast legacy of brilliant works in it contain massive potential to transform mind, body, and soul of every human. Unfortunately, caught up in a maze of short-term priorities, we are distancing from Sanskrit with every passing generation. Despite a constitutional goal of Sanskritization, India is farther from Sanskrit than ever before.
Therefore, through various Sanskrit creatives, we are bringing out original scientific insights into the Sanskrit verses and words that remain hidden due to misleading or superficial translations.
Nanyah Panthah Vidyateanayaya (Yajurved) – There is no other way!
These Art Prints explains the Glory of Women. Each Design has phrase in Sanskrit, its pronunciation in English, and its meaning in English. If you love Sanskrit and have a great respect for your woman then this art print is for you.
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The artworks are sold for PERSONAL USE ONLY, they cannot be used commercially or to be resold or redistributed.
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