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Islam means ‘peace’ but Islamic State is the most violent terrorist organisation in the world.
Jihad means ‘struggle for peace’ but Harkat ul Jihad is among the most dangerous terrorist organisations in the world.
Allah is most merciful but Jundallah is the scariest terrorist organisation in the world.
Muhammad is the best person to have ever lived but Jaish e Muhammad is the worst terrorist organisation in the world.
Quran is the last and final word of omniscient Allah but Jamaat al Dawa al Quran is the terrorist organisation of most illiterate bunch of rapists.
Talib is ‘the seeker’ in Arabic dictionary but Taliban is the most brutal terrorist organisation in the world run by perverts.
Qaeda means ‘foundation’ in Arabic but Al-Qaeda is the foundation for all terrorists against humanity in the world today.
A call to Islamists to end these paradoxes!